Toddler Program

18 months - 3 years

Guiding Toddlers’ Journey of Self Construction

Your toddler has a once in a lifetime opportunity to absorb information from the environment, like a sponge. Our classroom environments are built specifically to ensure optimal learning based on the sensitivities and interests of the toddler child. 

Montessori toddler classrooms are simple and slower-paced. Each item in the environment is chosen carefully and purposefully, considering all the ways the child moves within the space - tables and chairs are toddler-sized, the shelves are the right height, each item a child needs to aid independence is available and accessible. Our toddler guides are nurturing, patient, loving and understand the immense responsibility they have in helping to guide the child’s work of self-construction through independence.

To help guide children’s learning, each classroom environment is set up with learning materials that sensorially and concretely aid in the development of fine and gross motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and concentration so she can acquire the executive functioning skills for independence, building a foundation for meaningful and impactful learning throughout her life. 

With a positive, supportive, non-competitive energy, our toddler families build strong, lifelong bonds with one another, learning and growing together for many years. Each child is an integral part of her community and cherished for her unique character while learning to care for herself and the environment. We strive to share the importance of supporting each other peacefully through prioritizing kindness, compassion, and empathy throughout our entire school community.

Language Development

Toddler age children have a special sensitivity for learning the language they hear spoken around them. With this special sensitivity in mind, the toddler classroom offers many creative and intriguing linguistic concepts to expand their growing vocabularies. By participating in conversations, listening to stories, classifying objects and learning songs and poems, they nurture their budding language skills.

Skills for Independence

A toddler spends a large amount of time learning the self-help skills that lead to independence. We believe through independence true freedom is gained and guide the development of the child with this in mind.

Special “practical life” exercises break down daily tasks into manageable steps and enable the repeated practice to achieve mastery. Toddlers often are in a frustrating position: they want to do things for themselves, but don’t yet have the knowledge or skills to actively complete the task. By pridefully practicing these important life skills they observe their adult loved ones completing successfully, toddlers are able to feel a sense of satisfaction and build their internal motivation and confidence.

Thus, we offer our toddlers endless opportunities to practice daily tasks – from washing a table to watering plants; from dressing themselves in simple clothes to mastering buttons, bows and zippers. By performing one step at a time, a child is easily able to master new skills, giving her a great sense of personal achievement and pride.

The Prepared Environment

A simple, orderly environment, with a clear, consistent structure and limited choices. Dr. Montessori realized that much of the toddler’s emotions result from lacking control over themselves and their environment not suited to their needs. Often, society is created and favored for adults with few considerations for children. Thus, Montessori environments are created solely for the child with clear purpose and awareness for their experience in the space. Toddlers are very reliant upon consistency in order as external impressions shape their internal sense; a cluttered, chaotic space creates chaos and confusion for a child internally. With limited, challenging choices, a child is able to freely choose her interests without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by a large number of activities. She is able to count on the consistency of the environment - each item in its rightful place every day - and the security and comfort that provides her.

Social Skills Development

We lovingly guide your child to develop the foundational skills needed to live together peacefully within their community and global society. We guide her to hang up her own jacket or apron, and return work to its proper place in the shelf. We encourage her to problem-solve rather than say “I can’t”, comfortably asking for help when it is needed. Because children this age have a strong tendency to imitate what they see, our teachers constantly model appropriate social skills, good manners, and consideration for others. Children are guided to use words to identify the feelings they experience in themselves and what they see in others, given the proper vocabulary.

Psychosensorial Activities

Our toddler program also contains a selection of psychosensorial exercises – such as bead stringing, sewing, puzzles, stacking and balancing – which help the children in developing eye-hand coordination and dexterity.

Our teachers lead the children in song, dance and a variety of other exercises that offer them the opportunity to jump, climb, balance, crawl or skip. These exercise their large muscles and support the development of balance and equilibrium.

We invite you to learn more about our toddler program by visiting our school during an upcoming event or group tour. We look forward to meeting you and getting to know your family!